Davis Dyslexia Association International Online Ordering

Information and Materials for use with Davis Methods

Davis Dyslexia Exclusive

These materials are available exclusively through DDAI.
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Davis® Home Kit for Dyslexia
Product ID: DAV-SM-KIT
For home use, age 8 through adult. Each kit includes all materials needed for Davis Orientation, Symbol Mastery & Reading Exercises, as described in the book, The Gift of Dyslexia.

Book Option:
Davis® Home Kit for Young Readers
Product ID: DYL-KIT
For ages 5-7, pre-reading and primary level. Ideal for homeschoolers or parents who want to give extra support to beginning readers.

Unlocking the Power of Dyslexia DVD
17 minute film highlighting the discoveries of Ronald D. Davis and the strengths and talents of the dyslexic mind.

The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program DVD
Product ID: DDC-DVD
This short feature provides an excellent overview of Facilitators at work with Davis clients and the recommended post-program work at home.

Davis Dyslexia Correction Orientation Procedures DVD
Product ID: OPDVD
Davis methods instructional video, covering methods to focus attention, control energy levels, and improve balance and coordination.

Davis Symbol Mastery and Reading Exercises DVD
Product ID: DSM-DVD
This feature length video provides a detailed overview of the Davis Symbol Mastery® procedures for mastering the alphabet and small trigger words in clay, with multiple examples.