Davis Dyslexia Association International Online Ordering

Information and Materials for use with Davis Methods

Autism and the Seeds of Change

Product ID: AMRD-2012
Format: Softcover, 224 pages
ISBN: 978-1479373345
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Achieving Full Participation in Life with the Davis Autism Approach

by Abigail Marshall, with Ronald D. Davis

An in-depth look at a revolutionary approach to empower individuals with autism, and provide the understanding and tools needed to achieve their full potential. The Davis Autism Approach is uniquely geared to the autistic perspective, and enables each person to make sense of their world and the motivations and behaviors of others around them.

This book explores the history of development of the Davis method, explores its connections to emerging scientific research, and takes the reader on a guided journey through the three phases of the program: Individuation, Identity Development, and Social Integration.